For or against?

Just thought of this. It would have been a good question for someone to ask during media days today and tomorrow.
"Coach, pretend the Sun Belt Conference's new scheduling criteria, as it's written in the press release, is a bill before congress. And you are a congressman who has to vote for or against it as it's currently written. There's no line-item veto. Are you for it or against it?"
OK. Maybe that's not a well-structured question. But you get the idea.
Most would say publicly they are for it (probably not John Brady). Most coaches today talked around the question of whether or not it was good. North Texas Coach Johnny Jones said he was willing to try it (didn't seem like an endorsement). However, if you asked this question privately, the results would be much different. Probably more along the lines of at least 10 against it.
Is the Sun Belt Conference really that out of touch with its coaches?